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I'm having trouble connecting PayPal to my Store
I'm having trouble connecting PayPal to my Store
Pixieset Team avatar
Written by Pixieset Team
Updated over a week ago

If you have followed the instructions in our guide on Accepting payments with PayPal, but are unable to connect PayPal to your Store, there are a few potential causes!

Is your PayPal account a Business Account?

PayPal offers two different types of accounts: Personal, and Business. In order to connect your PayPal account as a payment gateway in your Pixieset Store, your account must be a Business account.

You can confirm which account type you have by logging in to your PayPal dashboard, and going to Profile > My Settings. Here you can review your Account type on the right side of the page.

​How long ago did you create your PayPal Business Account?

PayPal may take 3-5 business days to verify your new Account before you will be able to set up your Pixieset Store using PayPal as your payment processor. If you only created the Business Account recently, you will have to wait until your Account has been verified.

API Signature vs API Certificate

If you are unable to locate your PayPal API Signature, it is possible that you previously requested an API Certificate on your account, rather than an API Signature.

If you have already clicked 'Request API Certificate' previously, you may need to remove this certificate before requesting your API signature. PayPal has a detailed guide on how to request an API Signature here:

Is PayPal is requesting a "Third Party Permissions Username"?

If you are being prompted to enter a Third Party Permissions Username, you are likely in the wrong place! Connecting your PayPal account to your Pixieset Store will not require a Third Party Permissions Username, and you will want to ensure that you have followed each of the steps exactly as they are outlined in our PayPal setup guide.

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