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Manually Booking a Session for a Client
Manually Booking a Session for a Client

In Studio Manager, you can manually book a session on behalf of your client.

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Written by Pixieset Team
Updated over a week ago

With your Booking Site in Studio Manager, your client will be able to book and pay for sessions by themselves based on your availability. However, if you want to set up a session manually for your client, you can easily do so right from your Studio Manager Dashboard! This article will provide a step-by-step breakdown of this process.

On this page:

Manually Booking a Session

From your Studio Manager Dashboard, you can manually book a session in three quick steps:

  1. Go to Bookings > Sessions > New Session. Select an existing session type or a one-off session, then a date and time.

  2. Select the client you’d like to book the session for. You have the option to create a new client during this step, if needed.

  3. In the Send Session page, compose your email message for your client. Alternatively, you can choose to share the booking as a direct link.

After you’ve created the session, the session will be automatically added to your Sessions page to review at any time. It will remain in Pending status until the client has had time to review and complete the booking on their end (e.g. applicable payments, intake documents, etc.).

If you do not need your client to complete any of their session’s intake or payment steps, you can confirm the pending session yourself by clicking Actions > Confirm Session in your Dashboard instead.

Note: You will need at least one session type created on your Session Types page in order to manually set up any sessions, including one-off sessions.

What does the client see?

When you share a session that you’ve manually created for the client, they will be asked to review the session details and complete any required intake document or payment steps. After your client completes the booking, they will see a confirmation page with a summary of their details.

In your Studio Manager Dashboard, the session will also move from Pending to Confirmed status immediately.

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